2025 Fishing Tournament Registration Is Now Open!

Each contestant, by signing the entry form and/or participation in the tournament, agrees to submit to a polygraph examination.
There will be random polygraph tests given after the conclusion of the tournament.
If you fail or refuse exam, you will be disqualified.
Team cannot not consist of more than two (2) anglers. You can fish alone one (1) Per boat if like.
All boats must meet US Coast Guard & State Regulations.
Engine shall not exceed the maximum HP rating for the boat that’s used.
Boats must have a working aerated Live Well that is adequate to keep fish alive.
All bass must be caught on artificial bait by casting. No trolling with big motor. Contestant may use only one rod at any one time. Other rods may be in the boat for substitute purposes.
No electronic tracking devices (implanted microchips) may be used to locate fish for tournament purposes (Depth finders and graph charts are the only exception.)
All boats must be equipped with some type of emergency ignition cut-off device (kill switch) on any remote steered outboard while main engine is in use. Ignition cut-off device (kill switch) must be attached to boat operator at all times while main engine is in use. Kill switch must operate properly. When the kill switch is activated; the outboard main engine must stop running immediately. However, kill switches are not required with hand operated engines unless equipped with one when manufactured.
US Coast Guard approved life jackets are required for each person in boat. Life jackets must be worn and fastened while main engine is in use.
No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed by tournament contestant nor are alcoholic beverages allowed in contestants’ boat during official
tournament hours, unless tournament contestant is finished fishing/has had their boat inspection and polygraph for that tournament day.
CULLING: No team may have more than five fish in their possession at any time during official tournament hours, except during the culling process whereas six fish are allowed.
CHECK-IN: There will be two designated Check-In locations. One will be on the road coming into Cypress Bend and the other will be at the dock at Cypress. Please make sure you are checked in by your allotted time.
​WEIGH BAGS: We will provide tournament weigh bags. DO NOT bring your own personal bag. Pick up weigh bags at release barge on boat dock
REFUNDS: No refund of entry fees will be allowed nor will entry fees be transferred to a future tournament.
TIES: Lowest entry number breaks tie.
Tournament is open to anyone 18 years or older. All State & Federal penal code laws shall apply at all times.
Any angler that has entered a bass tournament that required and entry fee $2500 or greater in the past 12 months is not eligible to fish.
No license guides or anyone who has guided in the last 90 days is not allowed to fish.
Contestants must have a valid fishing license or official email confirmation with expiration date for Toledo Bend and it must be in their possession during tournament hours.
Each person in boat must be a paid contestant of official tournament and abide by all tournament rules and regulations.
No one other than paid contestants or tournament officials are permitted in a competitor’s boat during tournament hours.
Any contestant found to be in violation of any tournament rules and regulations will be subject to disqualification from this tournament and all future tournaments.
No cell phone usage except for emergency purpose only.
Any person who has been disqualified from any prior tournament may be subject to being refused entry into tournament.
Tournament officials have the right to refuse ANY ENTRY.
Participants under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or adult with written parental permission.
Contestants are to be attentive to litter and should make every effort to maintain their trash in their boat and dispose of it properly.
Cannot receive any outside help or information on Tournament day.
Trailering Allowed: Start fishing at 6:45am and stop fishing at 2:45pm. Launch at your convenience.
Start fishing at 6:45am and stop at 2:45pm. Boats 1-100 must be checked in by 4:15pm. Boats 101-175 must be checked in by 3:45pm. Boats 176+ must be checked in by 3:15pm. Boats 1-100 that sign up early get a later flight check-in time. Must be checked in by 4:15pm.
Late penalty will be 1 pound per minute and after 15 minutes there will be an automatic disqualification.
Penalty for dead fish: 1 lb pound deduction.
All fish must measure 14 inches.
All decisions of the Tournament Director are FINAL.
All protests must be submitted to the Tournament Director in writing within 15 minutes of the designated weigh in.
Only a Bass can be weighed in.
Only artificial baits can be used.
You can only fish around Cypress Bend Launch Area.
Fishing Starts at 10:00am and Stops at 1:00pm.
As soon as you catch your fish come weigh it in.
Smallest fish wins.
Only ages 3 to 15 can weigh fish.
Parents can help with getting the fish ff the hook and getting it to the tanks to weigh in.